Past JFC news...
- News and Updates
January 29, 2022: Temporary Post Office at the JFC
A short-term space for us to send and receive mail at our Health Centre? Yes, it looks like it is going to happen.
In mid-January, the Last Resort board was approached about housing a temporary post office, to offer full mail service on Lasqueti until normal operations can return. As of this writing, a lease agreement is ready for signing, and Canada Post will start preparing the space to begin operations possibly as soon as early February – but that’s up to CPC.
The room proposed for the post office has an exterior entrance, so postal customers and employees won’t have to enter the main part of the JFC. It will be secure, with a locked door between the postal room and the health centre. We have been told this will be a full-service post office where you can buy stamps, send packages, and pick up “general delivery” mail.
The proposal was introduced to LLRS by Darcy Pascall, who recently agreed to become an LLRS director to oversee its maintenance operation. As Darcy also works with Canada Post, he recused himself from the negotiating process, and was not present for the final discussion and vote on the proposal, to avoid any conflict of interest. In this case, we are confident that any dual roles have not affected the board’s decision to approve the contract.
Director Don Dempster volunteered to lead the negotiations with CPC, with the board’s thanks. Don has been the sole contact with CPC on behalf of LLRS. The lease will commit LLRS to up to 12 months, though CPC can shorten that term with 30-days notice, when circumstances change. In other words: no one knows exactly how long this will last, but we have no obligation beyond a year, and are not looking to make this a long-term arrangement.
LLRS directors want to express support and gratitude to all Lasqueti postal workers, both those currently working and those placed on leave. This has been such a difficult time for everyone involved.
Gratitude is also due to our nurse Dianne, who has been very kind and helpful in her willingness to temporarily give up her administrative office, as it is the most suitable location for the postal operation. She has moved her files into her treatment room for the time being. We are all so lucky to have Dianne here!
Thanks to all who sent their feedback to LLRS in response to the proposal. A couple of concerns were raised which informed the discussions and helped the directors think everything through as fully as possible. The great majority of messages received were enthusiastic about going forward to make this happen. Several people pointed out that for many Lasquetians, postal service is a health-related issue: concerns about unnecessary exposure via ferry travel to pick up mail, and difficulty receiving medical supplies and notifications were both mentioned more than once.
In addition to supporting health and wellness, one of the guiding purposes of the JFC is to offer useful space for the community to use as needed. In this case, the directors are glad to accommodate a service which fills a short-term need affecting almost all Lasquetians directly.
Next Directors’ Meeting
The next meeting of the Last Resort Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday February 8th at 1:00 PM.
Please email [email protected] if you would like to address the board, or place an item on the agenda.
Anyone with concerns or questions about the interim post office can email [email protected], or call the LLRS office during open hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays 11-3.- July 9, 2020
Things are moving along quickly now that the ground has been broken. The footings for the duplex foundation are now being built (thanks to Jake B.), and the concrete pouring starts tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who has come together to make this happen with teamwork and efficiency. So many different skillsets are needed to complete a building – and the challenges are always tripled off-the-grid on Lasqueti, where we depend on a delicate chain to get materials from the building supply to the site, via the weather-dependent weekly barge. So far so good – summer is a great time to start this ambitious project! - July 7, 2020
Congratulations to the Last Resort Building Committee for breaking ground on construction of the new duplex elder cottage! Wendy B. has done a fantastic job chairing this committee, which has involved a tremendous amount of research and coordination. The committee members have also taken on, as volunteers, the ongoing direct management of the building process, to save LLRS the cost of a general contractor. Many thanks to committee members Shirley R., Doane G., Tom C., Ray L., Gwen B., and Vic D. for making this big commitment of your time and expertise. If you would like to offer your support, there is lots of room for more help! Updates will be coming soon. Meanwhile, here is a glimpse of the new foundation:
June 11, 2020
The Judith Fisher Centre is again available for bookings by local healing-arts practitioners who hold current professional liability coverage. We are lucky to have the expert hands of Pia Lironi ([email protected]) now offering massage therapy at the centre, and we look forward to more. To book space for your sessions, email [email protected].
Now with lower fees:
In a recent meeting, Last Resort directors resolved to reduce the usage fee for local practitioners, to support those looking to build their practice, and encourage more use of our facilities. The new fee is set at 10% of your gross daily intake. The updated usage agreement can be found here.
For practitioners:
The JFC offers a clean, private, and neutral space for a variety of healing treatments. The waiting area, washrooms, and laundry access are available to support your practice. All practitioners are responsible for knowing and following their profession’s COVID-19 guidelines, and communicating these protocols to their clients.
Clinic protocol:
Weekly nursing clinics have been going well — please continue to CALL AHEAD when possible to make an appointment for a Thursday clinic. Call Dianne at 250-240-5712. Of course, if something unexpected comes up, Dianne understands there will be some drop-ins. Current guidelines for the nursing clinic can be found here.
Please read before you visit to know what to expect.- May 26, 2020
In light of the changes in recent public health pandemic-response policy, nurse Dianne McClure is now able to resume weekly clinics at the JFC. For the time being, the JFC remains closed to other meetings and activities.
Nurse Dianne will be informing the community via the email list-serve, regarding the dates and times of upcoming clinics. In general, these will continue to be scheduled on Thursdays between 11AM and 3PM, however clinic protocol will be modified for safety while the pandemic continues to affect British Columbia. Please read community announcements to find out more about changes to how we can use our nursing services during this time.
As always, Dianne can be reached directly for health advice or COVID-19-related questions: 250-240-5712.
March 20, 2020
This is a community notification that the JFC Health Centre building is now closed to all but essential traffic. The board of directors has made this decision to ensure that the building is maximally clean and available for emergency services use, in the event it should become necessary. We have been working with Darcy Pascall and the rest of the emergency response team to ensure that the JFC facilities and supplies can serve the community in the most useful way.
Please note that this closure does not affect access for the Respite Suite occupant. The Respite Suite (for those without recent travel/exposure history within 14 days OR cold/flu symptoms) can be reached through its exterior door, by passing through the metal gate to the left of the JFC main entrance. Please always call first (250-333-8891) to find out whether visiting is a good idea; outdoor visiting on the deck is recommended.
If you need to reach the staff or directors of the Last Resort Society during this closure, the best route is via email:[email protected]. We will continue to do our best to accommodate requests for medical equipment loans as available. I will be mostly working from home to keep the essential business of the LLRS operating, with brief visits to the office as needed.
Access for first responders and waste management staff remains in place during the closure.
For non-urgent medical advice, you can call nurse Dianne McClure at 250-240-5712.
Last Resort President Vic Downard can be reached at 250-333-8550.
LLRS Secretary Marilyn Darwin is currently overseeing the JFC maintenance operations; she can be reached at 250-333-8852.
Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
Robin Jacobs, Administrator
Lasqueti Last Resort Society | The Judith Fisher Centre
#1 China Cloud Bay Road, Lasqueti Island, BC V0R 2J0 (250) 333-8891
March 6, 2020
JFC Health Services: More Variety, Greater Frequency!
Our wellness programs continue to thrive and expand at the JFC this year. Our excellent nurse Dianne McClure has added one extra clinic day per month, and is now in-clinic on some Mondays as well as most Thursdays (subject to change based on weather, illness, or pre-announced vacation). Our visiting MD, Dr. Larry McClure, has also increased his clinical hours on Lasqueti and is very busy on his bi-monthly visits. We have been excited to welcome Dan Clark, a mental health counselor at the Oceanside Clinic in Parksville, who is now coming for a monthly Friday counseling clinic; he offers individual sessions to those who feel they could benefit from this service, at no cost to participants. Dan has experience in helping individuals through addictions and substance abuse issues as well as common psychological conditions including depression, anxiety, grief, etc. He has talked about the possibility of adding a support group if there is interest. Within the past year, we were fortunate to host a pediatric dental hygienist, a foot care nurse, and a weekly registered massage therapist. On the technological front, we installed an updated Telehealth machine, which allows a secure, medically-supported remote-connection video link, for individuals to consult with specialists in places such as Nanaimo, Victoria, or Vancouver, from the comfort of the JFC and without the stress or expense of travel. We continue to brainstorm possibilities of increasing the health care services available to locals at the JFC. For more information about any of these programs, contact [email protected].
Sharing our Resources
The Lasqueti Last Resort Society (LLRS) Board has been proud to institute Services Sharing Agreements with our two Regional District-run neighbours, the Lasqueti Fire Hall, and the Free Store and Recycling Centre. Under these agreements, local first responders, firefighters, and recycling employees will have access to JFC facilities including washrooms, bathing, and laundry, in exchange for a financial contribution from the Regional District. This cooperative venture helps taxpayers, and reduces ecological impact, by eliminating the need for independent septic systems and washrooms to be built on the neighbouring lots. In addition, LLRS is providing some electrical power and hot water for heating to these facilities, reducing the need for additional large generators and battery banks. We are now nearing the completion of our first year of sharing, and though there have been some kinks to work out, the process is going well. These partnerships also further our goal of becoming a hub within an interconnected community, in which we all think creatively to help meet one anothers' needs.
Building Plans
The LLRS Building Committee is currently in the process of talking with local builders regarding a planned duplex elder cottage, which will provide two independent living units for Lasquetians in who are having difficulty staying in their homes due to aging, health, or mobility challenges. Your input in this process is very much desired. We will continue to hold and advertise both Board and General Membership meetings. General Membership meetings are a good opportunity for asking questions, sharing your ideas, and getting involved.
If you wish to address the Board, let us know, and we will make space for you on our agenda. The Judith Fisher Centre and Health Centre belongs to us all, as a community, and everyone is invited to join the discussion.
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